Lectures and Scenes

Cool Link: Congress Eats Crow and French Fries
It’s about time. I hope France makes a big-ass stink about this. And to think, we elected these people. Nice way to look to the future, jackasses.
Current Listening:
Screeching Weasel: “The First Day of Summer”
A summer day

And I thought

I heard you say

It’s just another day

Watch it go by

Nothing much to report. I got my financial aid, which means my education will only cost $300 this term, instead of $3000. There’s a lecture about Milosovik tonight, which I might go to. I dunno, when an opressed people overthrow a dictator it goes unnoticed, but when the U.S. does it? Hm….

Acting class is getting pretty nifty. We started doing emotions, something we really didn’t touch upon in the 111 class. It’s nice working with people who want to act. Tomorrow, we get to act out actual scenes. And, if you can imagine, I’m not the only gung-ho person in the class!

I’m reading a biography of Bob Dylan. It’s really quite interesting; I never realized that so many supposed details of his past were merely the result of a façade. It still doesn’t change the fact that he’s an enormous songwriter. And has a sucky voice. Almost as bad as mine. 😉


black ice and white mist,
streetlight ghosts hum noiselessly
while Missoula sleeps

the tiny-
bird is up(no more)
on the ground

here a s
angui(sh)ned feat
her(e) a l e g bnet awk-
she will gr(ow)
ace the sk(wh)y no
more (Sweet songs) no
(head bobbing any)more

Fear God
Pre-marital sex
Power-hungry women
Spineless men
Child-molesting homosexuals
Godless Evolutionists
Anti-Bible Bigots
Lying Penteco$tal$
Pro-abortion baby butchers
Sports fanatics
Cult of the effeminate intellect
Unbelieving Jews
People that talk to pets more than GodMisc. heathens

I see your sign. And despite my
Best efforts, and though I might try
To resist, there is still a part
Of me that hates you in my heart.

That, my friend, is my greatest sin:
Somehow, somehow, somehow, you win.


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