Last Update: 2011-08-15
This website is a showcase of some of the code I've written for class, for my employers, and for my own enjoyment. I've been programming for a long time, and I still have a blast with almost all the code I write. After you've gone through my portfolio, I'm confident that you will get that impression, too. You can visit the projects link above to get started and browse my portfolio. There is also a sortable list of all my projects and a weighted list of all the different technologies I've used in these projects.
Or, you could look at one of the projects below. These are some of the projects I'm proudest of.
Fall 2008 – Present: Flexible Framework and CMS
April 2006 – May 2008: Custom DHCP server
Tags: DCO, DHCP, Java, Microsoft SQL, Server
I am a recent college graduate who loves to write code and make music. I spent sixteen years living in Montana but recently returned to Washington state with my wife. We've found the change to be quite jarring at times (traffic is something we'll probably never get used to), but a lot of it is new and exciting, and so far we're really enjoying life in the Seattle area.
I got into programming in fourth grade, using HyperCard, an application development system for the original Mac OS, to make games to share with my classmates. From there I expanded into other languages, including Turbo Basic (in DOS) and Pascal in CodeWarrior (also on Mac OS). I took some classes in Pascal when I was in high school, but that was about all the programming I could get since I went to such a small school. It was during high school that I got my first taste of web design and CGI programming; I wrote a couple of sites with dynamic features provided by Perl.
I started out as an English major at the University of Montana, because I originally wanted to be a high scool teacher. But as I got deeper into the program, I realized I really wasn't excited about what I was learning. In my Junior year at UM I began work at the DirectConnect Office, providing in-building tech support for the residents of my dorm. While working this job I began programming again, and it wasn't long before my English degree was doomed. The next year I switched to Computer Science, and after three years as a CS student (and six years total), I finally had my degree.
I've included a few more tidbits about myself on the sidebar to the left. Not all of these bits of information are programming-related, but each one should help to give you a better impression of who I am as a person.