Projects: DirectConnect Office: DCOHome

Codename: Leviathan (1.0) / Phoenix (2.0)
Project: Work for DirectConnect Office
Timeline: October 2004 – present
Application Type: Online Database
Status: In Development
Technologies: ColdFusion, PHP, HTML/CSS, AJAX, Microsoft SQL
Partners: Patrick Foy, Antony Jo, Luke Smith, Jessica Benedict, Kaiser Leib, Chase Maier


This is the interal web tool used by the DirectConnect Office, where I work. It has many purposes and functions, including a web frontend to Yeti, our DHCP server, management of student connections in the university residence halls, tracking appointments of student support staff, tracking trouble tickets for the Division of Student Affairs, and managing in-house projects.

I have learned a lot while working on this project, inlcluding the fundamentals of web applications, but especially a lot concerning session management, security, and maintaining a happy user base. Since I became a supervisor while working on it, I have also learned a lot about project management. Finally, thanks to the refactoring/porting job we are currently doing, I am learning a lot about project planning, engineering, instructing other programmers, and testing.

Since we are porting the entire project, I essentially do have a chance to do it again, and one of the things I'm focusing on is planning. The first version of the system suffered from being designed on the fly, and it is rather messy. I have taken the chance to come up with a consistent, object-oriented framework which allows for logical layout and expansion.
