Below is a sampling of some of the projects I have worked on in my three years in the CS department. They represent a widge range of application types. Most of them include some video, and a few have the source code or executables available for download.
An implementation of Conway's Game of Life, with interchangeable rules and configuration options, and board saving support. Includes full code, video, and downloadable jar executable.
An application for laying out complex audio equipment cabling. Saves files as XML files. Includes clipboard support, component import/export, parts needed lists, and a trace animation that demonstrates a signal's path through the equipment.
A Legend-of-Zelda-style RPG. Includes scrolling, sprites, and a scripting system for controlling game actions.
Flyby is an OpenGL-based 3D terrain simulator. It reads data from topographic maps of the earth, then displays it in a 3-D window, with camera controls including pitch, yaw, and movement. Includes ability to dynamically change landscape height factor.
A simple e-commerce site, like Amazon. Features include an AJAX drag-and-drop shopping cart, PayPal integration, a ratings system for items, and a backend system for creating and editing the items.