Peril surrounds him, yet he
soldiers on snuffling for nuts,
the grass the cattails
about him. He pushes past
brown fallen crinkly leaves,
casting them aside without a second thought.
He finds a treasure more valuable than
entire caches of gold
and stuffs it in his mouth.
A challenger the size of a twelve-story building
lumbers too close. He throws his
tail into the air, making a question mark of it.
Then, as the leviathan clomps closer
our tiny friend arcs his body with
his leaps, darts up a tree, peers
from a branch — eyes so wide for being so small –
and chitters
a challenge.
His foolish opponent
sees his peril and walks on.
he chitters again, satisfied he’s vanquished his foe,
then munches on a nut.
Archive for October, 2003
Monday, October 13th, 2003Love
Monday, October 13th, 2003Love
Four eyes
or a
head on
A deep,
Two men.
Bad Underwear
Friday, October 10th, 2003
I woke up with a sore throat this morning, so I stayed home through my classes. That was okay, though, because I had an Annotated Bibliography to work. Amazingly, I got it done in just three hours’ worth of work.
My underwear sucks. Specifically, the boxers I got on Sunday. They’re 45% polyester, so it’s like wearing a diaper. When I’m sitting on the pot, they creak like they’re stressed or something. Plastic Underpants. Great name for a band. But they suck!
I got a CD from Interpunk in the mail: Dobermans and Bowling Balls by the Ball Cheeze Psychotics. It sounds really good for an independent release. The music is awesome, although some of the lyrics… er… (check my Current Listening for an example). I’ll probably post a review sometime this week.
Some Poems
Tuesday, October 7th, 2003
Broadway & Pattee
Black pavement pushes
back the neon blues
and oranges of words I
won’t read. Streetlights
stand above all, haloed in their
silent foggy vigil.
The rain danced in my
nose, soft sounds of
drizzling and sloshing
cool my ears.
The bite of my coffee
recalls a pull on my
tongue, the taste of
your lips. My fingertips
press inward,
water warming, the fuzz
inside my pockets alive.
A hazy dripping shape
ambles past, four legs
and two heads joined.
My arm recalls the feel of yours.
The sky, my face,
water mingling.
Hot chocolate,
A heavy musky book,
A thick blanket barely reaches my toes,
My soft couch.
Holy dark of morn
awaiting the sun’s first glimpse.
The world swings open.