What a day! I woke up at quarter till nine — too early — and went to Astronomy. It was okay, but I need to get another book for the course. I thought I had some free time, so I went grocery shopping at the Country Store. Here’s my list:
- 2 cartons of milk
- A can of Pringles (regular)
- Easy Cheese
- Some cereal
- Some water
- a box of Pop Tarts
The cereal pissed me off because it’s only available in single-serving thingies, not boxes.
Anyway, I got back to the room and checked my schedule, but I found out I had a class then! It seems that The Bear, which hadn’t been working before Astronomy, decided to single me, yes me, out and screw me over! So I missed my first Poetry Writing class.
Speaking of which, I wrote several today.
John and I tried to meet Brooke at the Food Zoo for lunch, but it was closed for the “Welcome to UM” mixer. Brooke didn’t show up, so we went to the UC food court. I had a veggie calzone. Verrrrrry good. John was happy because the seasoning was quite varied and he could salt his fries just the way he wanted.
I went to my room and Charlie from the Flying Men of Zimbabwe stopped by to get the CD I’d recorded of them back in December. We shot the breeze for a while, then I napped.
John, Aaron, Brooke and I went to the UC for the mixer. They had these icky taco-like beach things for dinner, which none of us particularly liked. And the dessert, which was usually top-notch, was Starburst! It was a disappointing culinary experience. After dinner we went to watch a little bit of Ocean’s Eleven, then watched a reggae band. It was okay, but reggae is not the best dancing music in the world. And I was kind of feeling down at this point, so I left. John wasn’t distraught, though, because he was teaching a chick — Tara (I remember her name when John couldn’t. He owes me big) — to swing dance.
I went to Knowles — Brooke’s room specifically — and met her roommate. From Brooke’s descriptions I was expecting a neurotic neat freak, but she was pretty nice. We had cheesecake (Aaron and John found their way to Brooke’s room) and then I returned here.
Oh, yeah. While Aaron, Brooke and I were going to Knowles to get my cheesecake there was disturbance that required the dreaded Public Safety to be called. Some kids got noise complaints but refused to comply. They were belligerent and it laters turns out drunk. We were coming back to Brooke’s room when two officers led one of the kids out in handcuffs. He was trashed and yelling ethnic slurs at one of the pseudo-cops, who happened to be black. That was a shitty way to end the day. I hope he has fun in detention sobering up.
That’s it. I’ve got Applied Literary Criticism tomorrow morning at 10:00, so I should get going to bed.