Posts Tagged ‘Clarke’

Delusions, Delusions Galore

Thursday, March 25th, 2004
Current Listening:
The Queers: “Idiot Savant”
You know he read a couple books

And now he shoots me dirty looks

As if he thinks he’s better than me

A condescending attitude

Well I hate to tell you dude

You can’t buy a vowel on your SAT’s

You know the thing that really bugs me about the whole Clarke thing? Instead of Bush’s administration addressing the issues Clarke raises, they attack his character. I’m glad that the media is at least paying this an iota of attention; it would have been so easy to slip this thing under the rug. This election has me teetering between nausea and jubilation. Nausea, because both sides can’t see what opportunistic hipocrites they are, but jubilation because I think there’s no way that Bush can be re-elected. I hate being another cog in the “pick a team and defend it zealously” machine, but some of the things this presidential administration has done are just awful, stupid, or shortsighted — sometimes a combination of all three.

I’d love to wash my hands of this, but as a member of that critical 18-30 voter bracket, I feel a responsibility to get my fellow Gen-Y’ers do get out there and vote. Everybody’s gonna be sick of this election, of mud-flinging from both sides, and the general divisiveness of the country come November, but it will all be worth it if Bush is voted out in November.

Nifty link: A vanwith a twelve-foot tall statue of Bush with his pants on fire? Only at

Oh, and if you’d like some lighthearted satire (from Conservatives, too), check out The Five Greatest Presidents by Bruce Walker. Obviously, Bush is one of the five best — turning the surplus negative, plunging us into Neo-Vietnam, alienating the rest of the world — because he DIDN’T USE A CIGAR TO STIMULATE AN INTERN. Anyway, it’s not really satire but it does point out how delusional the right wing can be. We lefties are delusional , but at least they’re idealistic delusions. Enjoy!