If It’s Too Good to Be True…

Eating lunch today, I found my yogurt flavor is “Blackberry and Açaí.” Not knowing what the hell açaí is, I looked it up on Wikipedia. It’s a berry, but also a big dietary supplement component. According to the article:

“Marketers of these products… make unverified claims that açaí provides increased energy levels, improved sexual performance, improved digestion, detoxification, high fiber content, improved skin appearance, improved heart health, improved sleep, and reduction of cholesterol levels.”

Yeah … That sounds legit. It also whitens your teeth and makes people like you by altering your pheromones! People who sell this stuff prey upon people, but they quickly run into a problem: as soon as their product becomes the next big thing, others decide to hop on the bandwagon and start hawking the crap, too. Pretty soon, they have to keep adding supposed health benefits to ‘get ahead’ of the other guys, and you wind up with a list so long it puts snake oil salesmen to shame. I’m pretty sure most reasonable people can smell the bull, but obviously enough people are wooed by all the promises to keep some of these shysters in business.

It was a pretty tasty cup of yogurt. Still, it was surprising to see some Google Ads-worthy product featured on a big-league company like Yoplait’s product.

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