Archive for the ‘Journal’ Category

The Butterfly in the Mill

Monday, September 29th, 2003
Current Listening:
REM: “Sweetness Follows”
It’s these little things,

They can pull you under.

Live your life filled

With joy and thunder.

Yeah, yeah we were altogether

lost in our little lives.

Oh. Oh. Ah.

Sweetness follows

Wow. I skipped Applied Literary Criticism this morning and my acting class was canceled. So today was basically like a weekend. Nifty. 😉 I called Chance and it looks like we’re gonna practice, so the show will probably happen.

The Butterfly in the Mill

A clattering cacaphony of saws and shears.

Sawdust billows breathlessly through the air

and mingles with the stench of

men, and grease, and caustic exhaust.

Boards clatter into sanders one at a time —

the slamming strangely arrhythmic. A saw whines

as it slices boards into manageable lengths.

The shrill whistle of a forklift slashes

through the random heartbeat of the mill.

The parching dust now fills the mill

and fills the air inside and outside the

men. A window is opened.

Butterfly wings

Gossamer things.

About her the slamming continues —

each noise falls off of her beat,

so harsh compared to the perfect time

of her fluttering wings.

She graces a belt sander until

it eats the next board. then she is


She draws a path through the mill,

loopinging, cresting, coming abreast

of everything.

Straight lines bleak corners white paint

She finds her window and leaves and


the mill is a mill.

I Am Riff-Raff

Sunday, September 21st, 2003

Hooray For Richard O’Brien

Which Rocky character are you?

Note: This was a post of survey results for “Which Rocky Horror character are you?” I got Riff-Raff. The site is dead now and just a parking page.


Wednesday, September 17th, 2003
Current Listening:
Tom petty: “King’s Highway”
Lover I await the day

Good fortune comes our way

And we’ll ride down

The king’s highway

Whew! I just went for a bike ride in the rain. There’s nothing like the feeling of being soaked. When I ride my bike I listen to CDs and sing along. I must’ve looked quite a sight to passersby: heavy winter coat, headphones, fogged-up glasses, and singing. Oh, well — this is Missoula, for Christ’s sake!

Last night Tony and Shawnie Transue came up from the valley and we watched Liar, Liar in Brooke’s room. Jim Carrey does best, I think, when he’s not making rubber of his face. This film shows both his ‘funny face’ and his ‘actor’ side, and it’s clear which is more entertaining. Yes, he can stretch his face into ungodly configurations, but he can also act sincerely when he wants.

Lectures and Scenes

Tuesday, September 16th, 2003
Cool Link: Congress Eats Crow and French Fries
It’s about time. I hope France makes a big-ass stink about this. And to think, we elected these people. Nice way to look to the future, jackasses.
Current Listening:
Screeching Weasel: “The First Day of Summer”
A summer day

And I thought

I heard you say

It’s just another day

Watch it go by

Nothing much to report. I got my financial aid, which means my education will only cost $300 this term, instead of $3000. There’s a lecture about Milosovik tonight, which I might go to. I dunno, when an opressed people overthrow a dictator it goes unnoticed, but when the U.S. does it? Hm….

Acting class is getting pretty nifty. We started doing emotions, something we really didn’t touch upon in the 111 class. It’s nice working with people who want to act. Tomorrow, we get to act out actual scenes. And, if you can imagine, I’m not the only gung-ho person in the class!

I’m reading a biography of Bob Dylan. It’s really quite interesting; I never realized that so many supposed details of his past were merely the result of a façade. It still doesn’t change the fact that he’s an enormous songwriter. And has a sucky voice. Almost as bad as mine. 😉


black ice and white mist,
streetlight ghosts hum noiselessly
while Missoula sleeps

the tiny-
bird is up(no more)
on the ground

here a s
angui(sh)ned feat
her(e) a l e g bnet awk-
she will gr(ow)
ace the sk(wh)y no
more (Sweet songs) no
(head bobbing any)more

Fear God
Pre-marital sex
Power-hungry women
Spineless men
Child-molesting homosexuals
Godless Evolutionists
Anti-Bible Bigots
Lying Penteco$tal$
Pro-abortion baby butchers
Sports fanatics
Cult of the effeminate intellect
Unbelieving Jews
People that talk to pets more than GodMisc. heathens

I see your sign. And despite my
Best efforts, and though I might try
To resist, there is still a part
Of me that hates you in my heart.

That, my friend, is my greatest sin:
Somehow, somehow, somehow, you win.

Brooke’s Birthday

Sunday, September 14th, 2003

Brooke’s birthday went okay. Tony had his housedecked out. Streamers everywhere. He filled a room knee-high with balloons. Brooke was genuinely surprised, too. That was in no small part because I called her, saying that Aaron, Carrie and I were still in Missoula. Self-congratulatory, I know.

I was in the valley for less than twenty-four hours, now that I think of it. Gramma and Grampa from mom’s side and Grandma Short were there, but I barely saw them! I had too much to do.

Brooke’s mom took Brooke, Carrie, and me back up to Missoula today. Then Aaron, Carrie, and I went to the Pita Pit. We took the long way, down to Higgins then across the bridge. I was hungry — I hadn’t eaten all day! Aaron of course had to get ice cream, so we went down Broadway to the footbridge, making a full loop.

I’ve got more poetry — a lot more. Just gotsta type it.

Dinner in the Park

Thursday, September 11th, 2003
Cool Link: The Flat Earth Society

God, class was boring today. Even Astronomy. Poetry was okay; we workshopped poems and it was somewhat fun, but we didn’t workshop mine!

Current Listening:
Mineral: “LoveLetterTypwriter”
Summer unfolded

like a tapestry

And you were there

as you have always been

There glowing where

the sky meets with the trees

Air softly crowing,

singing fears to sleep

So after dinner we (we being John, Aaron, Carrie, and me) went to the “Dinner in the Park” thingie. The last one of the year. It was smoke-free, but it was raining! I guess good weather and these thingies just don’t mix. Guess who we saw? Sarah, who had just moved up today. Nifty! I invited her to Drew’s Margarita Monday next week, we’ll see if she calls or was just humoring me.

Then we played some mad Foosball.

My CD is almost mixed!


Thursday, September 11th, 2003

I didn’t get the job at the Kaimin. Oh, well. Aaron and I went to the library, and they may have an opening there. We’ll see.

Deer on Campus

Friday, September 5th, 2003

Deer. On campus. That’s what we saw last night (Wednesday night) as we sat at a table outside the country store. They were running right across campus. One of ’em made it across Arthur to the University District, the others fled into the Jesse/Knowles parking lot.

Tony’s been up here the last few nights, helping Brooke with her computer. The thing is the digital equivalent of Linda Blair in the fine documentary The Exorcist.

Dad came through tonight (he was returning from Seattle) and we ate at the Pita Pit. Pretty good food. I finally got an answering machine! Bobby (he’s my roommate) thinks we should put a kick-ass greeting on there, and I wholeheartedly agree.

I might get a job editing copy at the Kaimin, which is the school’s paper. We’ll see. I’m really trying on the application!

Woe unto me! My showers are a bit cold!

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2003

It’s time to bitch and gripe. Specifically, I’m going to bitch and gripe about the showers here in Jesse Hall. These showers, in case you haven’t seen them, are the type that have one knob that revolves around, going from hot to cold. Now, these are already hard to deal with because they always start off cold, blasting you. This is okay in the morning when one is still tired, but quickly becomes annoying.

The other gripe I have is that the temperature of the showers is always changing. I often have to crank the shower all the way counterclockwise to hot and then, only minutes later, it will become scalding. Is there no way for me to shower in peace?



Tuesday, September 2nd, 2003

What a day! I woke up at quarter till nine — too early — and went to Astronomy. It was okay, but I need to get another book for the course. I thought I had some free time, so I went grocery shopping at the Country Store. Here’s my list:

  • 2 cartons of milk
  • A can of Pringles (regular)
  • Easy Cheese
  • Some cereal
  • Some water
  • a box of Pop Tarts

The cereal pissed me off because it’s only available in single-serving thingies, not boxes.

Anyway, I got back to the room and checked my schedule, but I found out I had a class then! It seems that The Bear, which hadn’t been working before Astronomy, decided to single me, yes me, out and screw me over! So I missed my first Poetry Writing class. :-( Speaking of which, I wrote several today.

John and I tried to meet Brooke at the Food Zoo for lunch, but it was closed for the “Welcome to UM” mixer. Brooke didn’t show up, so we went to the UC food court. I had a veggie calzone. Verrrrrry good. John was happy because the seasoning was quite varied and he could salt his fries just the way he wanted.

I went to my room and Charlie from the Flying Men of Zimbabwe stopped by to get the CD I’d recorded of them back in December. We shot the breeze for a while, then I napped.

John, Aaron, Brooke and I went to the UC for the mixer. They had these icky taco-like beach things for dinner, which none of us particularly liked. And the dessert, which was usually top-notch, was Starburst! It was a disappointing culinary experience. After dinner we went to watch a little bit of Ocean’s Eleven, then watched a reggae band. It was okay, but reggae is not the best dancing music in the world. And I was kind of feeling down at this point, so I left. John wasn’t distraught, though, because he was teaching a chick — Tara (I remember her name when John couldn’t. He owes me big) — to swing dance.

I went to Knowles — Brooke’s room specifically — and met her roommate. From Brooke’s descriptions I was expecting a neurotic neat freak, but she was pretty nice. We had cheesecake (Aaron and John found their way to Brooke’s room) and then I returned here.

Oh, yeah. While Aaron, Brooke and I were going to Knowles to get my cheesecake there was disturbance that required the dreaded Public Safety to be called. Some kids got noise complaints but refused to comply. They were belligerent and it laters turns out drunk. We were coming back to Brooke’s room when two officers led one of the kids out in handcuffs. He was trashed and yelling ethnic slurs at one of the pseudo-cops, who happened to be black. That was a shitty way to end the day. I hope he has fun in detention sobering up.

That’s it. I’ve got Applied Literary Criticism tomorrow morning at 10:00, so I should get going to bed.